
Gradient class. Use it to store gradient properties of your controls. It shouldn't be overrided because the renderer implementation depends on it.

Gradient require at least 2 points to be drawn. Each point has coordinate and color. Coordinate should be in range 0..1. Depending on gradient type you may draw gradients shown below. In following illustration the first point has green color and the second one has red color.

Gradient types

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class.

class Gradient: public CFeedback
    GradientType const &Type; // Type

    int getPointCount() const; // Return point count
    Color1D getPoint(const int index) const; // Return point by index
    Color getColor(float position); // Return calculated color at specified position(position is in range 0..1)
    const Color1DArray &getSortedPoints(); // Return points sorted by position

    bool setType(const GradientType value); // Set type
    bool setPointCount(const int count); // Set point count
    bool setPoints(const int count, Color1D *points); // Set points
    bool setPoint(const int index, const Color1D &value); // Set point
    bool setPoint(const int index, const float position, const Color color); // Set point
    bool setPointPosition(const int index, const float position); // Set point position
    bool setPointColor(const int index, const Color color); // Set point color
    bool setPoints(const Color1DArray &points); // Set points

    Gradient(Callback callback, void *param); // Create with callback informing about changes
    Gradient(const GradientType type, const Color1DArray &points);
    Gradient(const Gradient &other);
    Gradient(Gradient &&other);

    Gradient &operator=(const Gradient &other);
    Gradient &operator=(Gradient &&other);

    bool isEqual(Gradient &other, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>); // Check whether gradients are equal
    bool isNotEqual(Gradient &other, const float tolerance = ntl::Tolerance<float>); // Check whether gradients are not equal

    void AddPoint(const float position, const Color &color); // Add new point
    bool DeletePoint(const int index); // Delete point by index
    bool Clear(); // Delete all points

Following operators are also available.

std::wostream &operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Gradient &a); // Output as source code
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Image/Gradient.h