
Base class for multiple state properties.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class or interface.

class CPropertyState :public virtual IPropertyState, public CProperty
    using States = std::vector<String>;
    int getStateCount() override;
    String getState(const int index) override;
    // Since 9.0.0
    EXPORT_PREFIX_TYPE getStatePrefixType() override;
    String getStatePrefix() override;

        IPropertyList *list, // List of properties to which this property belongs
        IClass *parent, // Parent object which property this one describes
        const String &name, // Property name
        const String &handler, // Property handler name
        FSkip skip, // Function checking if the property could be skipped when saving in Form Builder. Could be nullptr
        const bool read_only, // Whether the property is read only
        const States &states, // List of state names
        const EXPORT_PREFIX_TYPE state_prefix_type, // Type of prefix which should be added to state name when exporting into form prototype header file
        const String &state_prefix); // Additional prefix which should be added to state name when exporting into form prototype header file
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Core/Property.State.h