
Class describing single state property of type representing list of images.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class or interface.

class CPropertyImageList :public virtual IPropertyImageList, public CProperty
    using FGetCount = int(*)(IClass *parent);
    using FGetImage = Bitmap * (*)(IClass *parent, const int index);
    using FAdd = int(*)(IClass *parent, Bitmap *value);
    using FDelete = bool(*)(IClass *parent, const int index);
    using FClear = bool(*)(IClass *parent);
    using FUpdate = void(*)(IClass *parent);
    // IProperty getters 
    String getPreview() override;
    String getPreview(const String &state) override;
    bool isChanged() override;

    // IProperty setters 
    IProperty *setChanged(const bool value) override;

    // IProperty methods 
    bool Copy(IProperty *dest) override;
    void Save(Variant &dest) override;
    void Load(const Variant &src) override;
    void Export(std::wofstream &f, const String &shift, const String &control) override;

    // IPropertyImageList getters 
    int getCount() override;
    Bitmap *getImage(const int index) override;

    // IPropertyImageList methods 
    int Add(Bitmap *value) override;
    bool Delete(const int index) override;
    bool Clear() override;
    void Update() override;

    CPropertyImageList(IPropertyList *list, IClass *parent, const String &name, FSkip skip, FGetCount get_count, FGetImage get_image, FAdd add, FDelete del, FClear clear, FUpdate update); // See parent class constructor for more information 
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Properties/PropertyImageList.h