
This class has been removed in release 10.0.0. Use Image class instead.

This class represents bitmap/image/texture in system memory where each point/pixel is represented as 4-component RGBA value.

When using [] operators be sure what exactly you are doing. When using constant bitmap(for example, declared as const Bitmap bmp) operator will be the constant one as well. When using non-constant bitmap(for example, declared as Bitmap bmp) operator will be non-constant one. There is difference between constant and non-constant [] operators. Constant one uses constant pointer to bitmap data. In most cases it is absolutely the same as non-constant one. But there is one case when there is difference. This case takes place when using inline bitmap data. In this case bitmap is considered as constant undestructible one. It also means it is unchangable and thus in this case non-constant [] operator cannot be used. Using such a bitmap is usually okay, if you do it right, and won't result in any error unless you try to use it incorrectly and especially in combination with another bitmap created base on the first one using moving constructor or moving assignment operator. Consider following example:

const Color data[2 * 1]{ CColors::Red, CColors::Green }; // Inline bitmap dataBitmap a{ 2, 1, data }; // Create undestructible bitmap...
if (a[0][0] == CColors::Red) // Check whether left-top pixel has red color{

At first the code looks well. It is even compiled without errors or warnings. But it won't work. There will be runtime error at the if line. The error here is declaring bitmap a as non-constant one. In this case non-constant [] operator will be used and result in fatal error. The solution is quiet simple. All you need in this case is to declare bitmap a as constant one: const Bitmap a{ 2, 1, data };

So, whenever you use constant inline data in bitmaps, you would better declare such bitmaps as constant ones.

But it is not always possible to declare bitmap as constant one. In this case we recomment not to use [] operator but to use getPixel() methods instead.

You can find more information in comments below.

// All drawing operations SHOULDN'T include last points(right and bottom edges)
    class Bitmap
        Bitmap(); // Create empty
        Bitmap(const int w, const int h); // Create with specified size
        Bitmap(const int w, const int h, const Color *data); // Create with specified size and data.
        Bitmap(const Bitmap &other); // Copy
        Bitmap(Bitmap &&other); // Move
        ~Bitmap(); // Destructor

        const COLUMN &operator[](const int x) const; // Return bitmap column. You can access pixel as bmp[x][y]. This is the fastest access pixel method but it is unsafe, so be sure you are not accessing pixel outside of bitmap
        COLUMN &operator[](const int x); // Return bitmap column. You can access pixel as bmp[x][y]. This is the fastest access pixel method but it is unsafe, so be sure you are not accessing pixel outside of bitmap
        Bitmap &operator=(const Bitmap &other); // Copy
        Bitmap &operator=(Bitmap &&other); // Move

        int getWidth() const; // Return width
        int getHeight() const; // Return height
        Color getPixel(const int x, const int y) const; // Return pixel from specified position. It is safe method of accessing pixel as it checks whether specified coordinates are inside the bitmap. If bitmap is empty, zero pixel will be returned. If coordinates are outside the bitmap, nearest border pixel will be returned. This method is slower than corresponding operators because it check coordinates first
        Color getPixel(const int x, const int y, const Color &def) const; // Return pixel from specified position or def one if position is outside the bitmap
        const Color *getData() const; // Return bitmap data
        const bool isEmpty() const; // Check whether it is empty

        bool setWidth(const int value); // Set width
        bool setHeight(const int value); // Set height
        bool setSize(const int w, const int h); // Set size
        bool setPixel(const int x, const int y, const Color &value); // Set pixel at specified position. It is safe method for setting pixel as it checks whether specified coordinates are inside the bitmap. If coordinates are invalid, no changes will be made. This method is slower than corresponding operators because it check coordinates first
        bool setData(const int w, const int h, const Color *data); // Set size and data

Following operators are also available.

bool operator==(const Bitmap &a, const Bitmap &b); // Check if bitmaps are equal
bool operator!=(const Bitmap &a, const Bitmap &b); // Check if bitmaps are not equal
std::wostream &operator<<(std::wostream &stream, const Bitmap &a); // Output as source code
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/Core/Bitmap/Bitmap.h (For class declaration)
Nitisa/Core/Bitmap/BitmapUtils.h (For standalone operators)