
This class provides implementation of IListItemOwner which is used by the built-in DropDown control. If you extend it's functionality you may to derive you list item owner class from this one and add additional functionality. You also need to return proper list item owner from your built-in DropDown control implementation. Do it via QueryListItemOwner() method.

You can find more information in comments below. Overrided methods can be found in corresponding base class and interface.

class CBuiltInDropDownListItemOwner :public CListItemOwner
    IControl *getControl() override;
    IRenderer *getRenderer() override;
    IFont *getFont(IListItem *item) override;
    IStyle *getStyle(IListItem *item) override;

    void NotifyOnSizeChange(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnRepaintRequired(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnBeforeAddItem(IListItem *item, IListItem *parent) override;
    void NotifyOnAddItem(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnBeforeDeleteItem(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnDeleteItem(IListItem *item, IListItem *parent) override;
    void NotifyOnBeforeDeleteItems(IListItem *parent) override;
    void NotifyOnDeleteItems(IListItem *parent) override;
    void NotifyOnShow(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnHide(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnEnable(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnDisable(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnSelect(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnDeselect(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnActivate(IListItem *item) override;
    void NotifyOnDeactivate(IListItem *item) override;

    CBuiltInDropDownListItemOwner(CBuiltInDropDown *dropdown); // Constructor
Namespace: nitisa
Include: Nitisa/BuiltInControls/DropDown/BuiltInDropDown.h