Serous error compiling Platform project.

Author: Deser Asked: 2 months 15 days 6 hours 38 minutes ago Viewed: 58 times Activity: 1 month 29 days 17 hours 47 minutes ago


I'm trying to compile the Platform project (Release x86) on my MSVC 2022 but getting such an ugly error: 1>C:\Pobrane_2\Nitisa-15.0.0_1\Nitisa-15.0.0\Packages\Platform\OpenGL\dgl.cpp(15,63): error C1001: Internal compiler error. 1>C:\Pobrane_2\Nitisa-15.0.0_1\Nitisa-15.0.0\Packages\Platform\OpenGL\dgl.cpp(15,63): error C1001: (compiler file 'D:\a\_work\1\s\src\vctools\Compiler\CxxFE\sl\p1\c\toinil.c', line 899) 1>C:\Pobrane_2\Nitisa-15.0.0_1\Nitisa-15.0.0\Packages\Platform\OpenGL\dgl.cpp(15,63): error C1001: To work around this problem, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed above. 1>C:\Pobrane_2\Nitisa-15.0.0_1\Nitisa-15.0.0\Packages\Platform\OpenGL\dgl.cpp(15,63): error C1001: If possible please provide a repro here: 1>C:\Pobrane_2\Nitisa-15.0.0_1\Nitisa-15.0.0\Packages\Platform\OpenGL\dgl.cpp(15,63): error C1001: Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ 1>C:\Pobrane_2\Nitisa-15.0.0_1\Nitisa-15.0.0\Packages\Platform\OpenGL\dgl.cpp(15,63): error C1001: Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information 1>Done building project "Platform.vcxproj" -- FAILED. Please HELP! THX!

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Answered by Support at Aug 19, 2024, 3:29:46 PM

Microsoft broke compiler in one of the latest releases again. You can replace the code in dgl.cpp to something like nitisa::CErrorListenerCout DefaultErrorListener; nitisa::IErrorListener *ErrorListener = &DefaultErrorListener; or anything similar that works.

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